This page provides information for developers about providers of Biodiversity Net Gain Credits in the Cambridge Nature Network area (Cambridge and immediate surrounds).
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) becomes mandatory for most new developments from November 2023. The Government has set a minimum uplift of 10% net gain, though Greater Cambridge Planning Service is expected to set the minimum figure for BNG at 20%.
Although some of the expected BNG will be delivered within development sites, many developments will need to secure a degree of BNG away from the development site. This will require developers to purchase Biodiversity Credits from willing and suitable providers.
In order to support nature conservation and meet this need in our area, some habitat banks have already been created and others will be created to order as demand dictates.
The Cambridge Nature Network has compiled a list of those that are known. This list will be regularly updated.
Click below to download a spreadsheet containing basic information together with contact details.
Below is a map showing the locations of habitat creation sites. Click here to download a high resolution version of this map

At this time, inclusion on the list does not imply any endorsement by the Cambridge Nature Network and its partners nor verification of the information provided by suppliers. Users of this information should undertake their own due diligence when contacting suppliers, to ensure the biodiversity credits offered meet their requirements.